I don't remember when I fell in love with Hydrangeas. If you aren't familiar with them:
While there are approximately 23 species of Hydrangea, only five are widely cultivated in the U.S. The most popular species is Hydrangea macrophylla, which is commonly known as bigleaf, French, garden or florist’s hydrangea. This Japanese native is rated as hardy to USDA cold-hardiness zone 6. It produces large inflorescences of white, pink or blue flowers in early summer.
For my Wedding I decided these flowers would be spectacular along with Peonies and Belles of Ireland. My Maid of Honor and her mother gave me 2 potted Hydrangeas at my bridal shower and they are flourishing in my front yard! They originally were pink and now have transformed into purple and I hope they are on their way to blue!