Thursday, June 19, 2014

Yard (Blog) Sale to Benefit the Alzheimer's Association

Our Neighborhood is having a yard sale this weekend and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to clean out some JUNK stuff from the house and kick-off my fundraising for this year's Walk to End Alzheimer's!

We aren't going all out but will have a table in the driveway from 7am-9:30am Saturday morning. Here are some of our items! I'm letting Max and my stepson keep $20 each so they can go to the movies Saturday night. Let's hope we sell it all! I might end up putting some of this stuff on ebay if my research shows I can get more there.

If you have any items you are wanting to get rid of let me know! You can drop off anytime Friday at the house and I promise not to hit you up for an Alzheimer's donation this year.

Some of our items (All are OBO-Or Best Offer)

Huge bolt of Pierre Deux-esque fabric $35
I bought this at the Tobacco Barn in Asheville for a steal and we used it for stools and a dog bed in the Kitchen but otherwise I don't think we will be using it going forward. (Unless we buy a house in Provence, HA!)

I realized this was going to arrive after I wanted to make our news public and since I was showing sooooo early I had to get the news out Stat.

Xbox360 Video Games $8/each
I hate that these are the reason the legos listed below were never built.

Brand new in Box Halo Toy $??
Ebay = $99. DUDE.
Guess we bought the wrong stuff that Christmas.

Lego City Bank Transfer $80
Okay, this is on ebay now ranging from $65+. This set is retired. Boy moms...should I save this for my 3 year old? Cannot believe he didn't even open it.

 More Unopened Legos...$20? 10? 
Do I save?

Opened, could be missing pieces. Grrrrrrr.

Opened, never put together. Grrrrrrrr.

 Fake LV. $5
A gift from a boss when she went to Mustique. Beach Sign with Arrow $2

DVD's $3/each. 
Burn Notice is Season 1 and 2. Maybe those get $5? I'm clueless. Maybe I should just leave these up in the Mountains for rainy days.
And don't worry....we kept Shag, Van Wilder, Thomas Crown Affair, Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, Goonies, Labyrinth...and some other classics.

Broken Teak Table. We finally replaced ours! Somebody will grab this for $5 right?

Console Table from Pier 1 (I think) $20
This is a great console table but we are just out of space! It isn't super duty so you can't stack a ton on it.

Lamp $5

Paperback books, $2/each

Candle Holder from Crate and Barrel (I think) $5.

Set of 4 Wineglasses $5

I'm sure we will add more junk as we find it!

If you don't want to shop and still want to donate you can right HERE for Krewe BB!

We will be walking near the Southpark Mall in Charlotte on September 27th! Let's hope I don't have to be pulled in a Radio Flyer!



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