Thursday, October 23, 2014

Last Few Baby Items We Could Possibly Need


This post is more for myself as a reminder but here are the things we don't have yet but might need in baby's first few months. Otherwise we are all set. Diapers are out, baby relaxing areas are ready (Pack n play, rock n play napper, swing...etc) and bags are PACKED.

Ours broke last time and we never bought a new one. I used the *gasp* microwave...

We need an additional one since my light sleeping son requires two. One to stay and one to travel? I wish we could find the one he has but I snagged it out of my parents' attic. It must be from the 80's but it is loud as hell.

Ergo Infant Insert. My friend MJ (THANK YOU!) offered me her Ergo after seeing my Instagram post and I think this insert will be perfect for the colder weather.

Need your feedback on this one. After having diastasis recti I think I could use the extra support. And after my fast food and ice cream consuming I need all the help I can get. (PS-This chick just made my top 10 people I would like to punch list)

Any Madeline book! Gotta girl up our library of kid's books.

You can never have too many of these right? Ford was a spitter (reflux) and I swear I was always doing laundry. These were my favorite brand.

Ford stole the one from the nursery. Ass.

I have been informed that CMC says they "frown upon" pacifiers. For a mom whose son nursed 40 minutes straight on one side (I had no idea what I was doing) I will bring my fucking own! First no nursery and now no pacifiers. I better see a significant reduction in cost to have this baby!

These look handy for all those "Bluetooth" AKA hands-free spots you lay down the baby. Anyone have one of these?

Out with the blue! I do have a white one in there now but white might get yucky.

I like these b/c it seems like the baby won't feel claustrophobic with a sheet smushed against their face. I had one the first go round but it was borrowed. Any favorite nursing covers?

I think that is it! I definitely feel prepared if I went into labor today since I know she won't be in her room for awhile but still might snag the pacifiers tonight!

Very ready (I think) (for a drink)


  1. I had NO IDEA that Madeline ever left France.

  2. I need to look into that sound machine because Miller's broke and we've been relying on the fan in his room which isn't going to work now that it's cold!! Bottle warmers are the best. I'm still on the fence about the belly bandit. I just wore spanx last time since they held my csection incision in place but I really think they helped.
    My hospital also have no nursery and no pacifier rule!! I brought my own and everyone we gave one to Miller the nurses would say the lactation consultant is going to be so disappointed when she sees that. I assume they had to see it but it took all my might not to punch them!

  3. omg I just re-read my comment and it's barely english. That is my brain on 4 hours sleep.

  4. You can try on the belly bandit at the Milky Way on east blvd. I felt too short for it and it seemed like a cast. I did what Natalie recommended and ordered spanx.

  5. So need the bottle warmer... I've given my one month old two bottles of pumped milk already and both were cold (oops! Sorry no time to warm in hot water for 20 minutes!)
    And at CMC ask for an abdominal wrap- it's like a belly bandit they use for stomach surgery patients and it's free to you! Also I just went to target and bought control top granny panties and they did the trick for $15.
    And stock up on burpy bibs.... so.much.spit.up. :(

  6. So many things - first, bourbon .. yes. Second, I wore the belly bandit and I have back issues - and it made my back feel a million times better. Some of the reviews said it was better than back braces they received at the dr. I waited to start wearing it three weeks in (long story) but wore it religiously after that and my stomach went down completely - could have been luck (probs) but I'd use it again. The problem is the dollars - you'll need two sizes. When I got home from the hospital I probably couldn't have fit in a med - at 3 weeks pp I barely got the small around me - and by 8 weeks I could only fit in the xs. And (this is long, I'll stop soon) I wore my belly band underneath so I only had to wash the band not the bandit (lost you yet?). Lastly, I delivered at Presby but they have the same rules regarding nursery - you can ask for your baby to be back there and worst case scenario, you get a guilt trip. They have the nursery and they are staffed for it, they just prefer the baby spend most of the time with you.
