Friday, June 18, 2010

Father's Day!

This year we are fortunate enough to be in an entirely different position than we were last Father's Day. Last year my dad had hip replacement big deal right? But the stress of this surgery kicked off his diverticulitis and a normal surgery became a very grave situation. This all happened, of course, over Father's Day weekend. I have to thank Dr. Humble and Dr. Elmore and of course God everyday that we made it through last summer. My Uncle had the same horrible battle and he is also fine. So this year I am delighted to celebrate Father's Day with a healthy Dad!!!

We also have D in town so M is thrilled to spend this special day with him. Now....what should we get them? Here are a few ideas....

Gulf Stream glasses from Mignon Faget $42

Bowtie from Southern Proper $55

Or is your Dad more of a tie guy? Tie from Southern Proper $68

WHO DAT! Ice Bucket from Adlers

How about the entire box set of Smokey Robinson? The bonus of this is you buy it on your iTunes and then burn the CD's for Pops. That way its a gift for you too!

You can't go wrong with liquor. How about some Blanton's?

I wish I could needlepoint. I LOVE these belts from Smathers and Branson. $165

I know M wants one of these Skipjack polos from Southern Tide. $75 (except he wouldn't buy Carolina blue)

But really, I wish I could buy both of them this Electrolux Grill!!!

Happy Father's Day to all!

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