Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mile High Club and BYOL

Soccer star husband, check (M should have gone all the way!) Cute kids, check. Hot fashionable Mom? Well....oops.

Just kidding...but got your attention didn't it? We are flying to FL today...all 4 of us. F has flown before but he was a cute sleepy 9 month old. Now he is a wild16 month old....what trick do I have in my bag? Keep reading!

Today's post is a quickie...what in my bag + what is not allowed on an airplane? And here is a brief "What's in your Bag" overview:

Purse-Mother's Day gift from Husband-Michael Kor's "Jet-Set" (how appropriate) I like how I can toss sippy cups and golfish crumbs and it is still somewhat pretty.
Wallet-Target from 7 years ago. That's right. Pathetic! I would like a new one please but it must flip out to show license and have credit card slots...None of this zippered envelope stuff. Like this but with a clear spot for a license.
Makeup Bag- Gift from Mom from Harbor Specialties at Pawleys Island.
Lip Gloss- Chanel, the only thing I splurge on face wise besides lotion.
Diaper Cream-Desitin samples I steal from the Dr's office

Can you spy banned substances???

Banned Items:
Swiss Army knife, better thake that bad boy out of there.

Mini-bottles of Woodford Reserve

That is right folks. BYOL on your flight. Just order a coke + pour in your liquor and you can take any amount of toddler screaming!
Don't believe me?
3 oz or smaller in a Ziploc?


And you can cram that quart bag full!

You're welcome.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Frump Fabulous

Rose Byrne, always stunning.

I have posted before about how I am not I thought I would start a little series making fun of myself compared to all the internet fashionistas such as:

Blair of Atlantic Pacific....perfection every time!

   Sarah of Classy Girls Wear Pearls. I want that dress!

Whitley of Queen City Style, we played tennis together in High School!

Emily from Cupcakes and Cashmere, so glamorous!

Chassity at Look, Linger, Love. Look at that closet!

and without further ado...the fabulous Katharine at Southern Bourbon Mountains.....
Hair-washed yesterday and slept on wet. I think it was yesterday..could possibly have been Sunday. Mint shorts-J.Crew $5 at Asheville Warehouse Sale and a tad too tight after beach trip. Top- Target and stolen from my Mom's closet on a chilly night in Asheville, Rings- c/o Grandmother Kay Braselman Boylan and hubby, Starbucks Grande Non-fat Iced Chai lite Ice. Because I didn't pay $3.87 for a cup 87% full of frozen water. I work from home most of the week so I have the luxury of not really getting dressed.

I know there are more style bloggers, who is your favorite?


Friday, July 20, 2012

Magazine and Link Dump

I confess, I am a frequent tearer-outer. I have stacks and stacks of magazine pages all over the house. I think once a week I will scan these babies in and post them here so I can get rid of them! Here goes the onslaught...

I love Quesadillas, I wonder if this could be made a tad healthier, add grilled chicken?

Recipe from Family Circle (just typing that makes me feel so old. Who reads Family Circle!?)

Pajamas that keep you cool (For those heaters at night like myself). Cool Nights Chemise $59

I wore the most fabulous lipstick on my wedding day and can't find it anywhere. Looks like I need to go buy a new tube. It was Tea Rose by Laura Mercier. Color looks terrible on the screen, here is a Wedding Day Pic.

I look crazy, the rest of the pictures are backed up in a cloud somewhere...

I have a wipe addiction. Kitchen & Bathroom Lysol wipes, baby wipes for changing, baby wipes for smelling good, pacifier wipes, toy name it! How gorgeous are these? And I hear they smell amazing! They are $1.99 from Motif and I would like 30 please.

Love Susan Dahlin's Ball Jar Art. I collect Blue Ball Jars and love her paintings!

I desperately want professional photographs of our family. We had some gorgeous ones taken last summer by the very talented Julia Ryan but we have done none since F turned 1. I wish I could spend the $$ on another Julia session or a session with the fabulous Lena Hyde in Florida!

Love Love Love this photo by Julia

Lena's kid shots are so fantastic.

Photos courtesy of Lena Hyde

Dear M, pretty pretty please buy me these flats. Saw these beauties on Melanie's awesome blog and I NEED them.

And on EARTH could anyone think this kid is attractive? Please explain? You couldn't pay me to make out with him! Well, maybe a million but no less! He is creepy and still looks 12. 

xoxoxo (to you not him)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pinterest Say WHAAAAT?

Geeky can be cool but not for the pictures below....
Have you ever clicked on "Everything" in Pinterest? I double dog dare you. Instead of all the "Pinners you follow" pretty pins you get an open view into the world of freaks and geeks. Now I'm not saying being geeky is bad...I mean how awesome is this:

But sometimes I see a Pin and I'm thinking...does this person really think this is cool? Did someone out there get this approved to be produced? Behold, here are a few examples of Pins that are in the "everything" category. 

Not hideous but why?

Really Marc Jacobs??? Looks like a scene from Fried Green Tomatoes but with Green Saran Wrap.
I'd rather wear Old Navy

Please stop.


Oh, the tissue box is a nice touch. WTF


I'm over the platform shoes ladies. You hear me Bethenny? You ladies look like strippers.

This was labeled as C-section tattoo cover-ups. VOMIT

What a horrible message. Your daughter must be on Toddlers & Tiaras

Indiana Jones meets Dylan's Candy Bar?


Oh how creative! SAID NO ONE EVER!

Ever see any pins you hate? Tomorrow I will show my favorites!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Post Vacation Blues

My brain is still on vacation but I worked 14 hours yesterday so here is a jumbled mess of thoughts for you this morning...

I'm so sick of my TV room. It is where we spend most of our time and I'm completely over it. The carpet is GROSS, 2 dogs and a kiddo and it is some old nasty shag. We had it steam cleaned a few weeks ago and then little F decided to vomit all over it. Thanks sweet pea. I want this room to be comfortable but pretty....right now it is beige, yellow with hints of royal blue. Bleh. How about these ideas?

All images via Pinterest (which is very unfair as I should list each fabulous designer, but alas the people I pinned from did not) I know Urban Grace, Kim Jeffrey, and Beth Webb are featured. Lots are via House of Turquoise.

Feeding little F (I'm not using his name anymore as M has concerns over his exposure) (stop laughing...I know I only have 128 followers). Anyways...Feeding him is like a scene out of I love he is eating grapes.

I know you all love summer, and I love some aspects of summer such as drinking fruity drinks, going to the beach, wearing sundresses...but it stops there. I'm ready for fall weather and not sliding off my leather seats. Maybe not 40 degrees but a nice cool 65 would be splendid. The other reason I feel this way is probably because I ate my weight in food at the beach and would love to hide under some jeans.

Imagine it is 64 degrees and breezy.....I love fall.

Love this cute casual look! Makes me want to chop my hair. via Matters of Style

Ah Fall clothes. via Polyvore

How cute is this ensemble? via The Pleated Poppy

LOVE this. via Pretty Stuff

And as a parting gift I leave you Blake Lively looking more like me in a bathing suit.

